György Buda

Office: H-1117 Budapest

Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c. Hungary
Phone: (36-1) 381-2209

Fax: (36-1) 381-2110

Research Areas

Mineralogy: crystal chemistry of rock-forming minerals (feldspar, micas), optical mineralogy.

Igneous petrology (genesis of granitoid rocks)

Economic geology (ore genesis and prospecting).





György Buda
 Professor of Mineralogy,

Head of the Department of Mineralogy,
Institute of Geology
Eötvös L. University Budapest,
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c,
H-1117, Budapest,
Telephone: (36-1) 381-2209
Fax: (36-1) 381-2110

Academic Positions

1988-present: Professor of Mineralogy (Assoc Prof.1988-1997.), Head of the Department of Mineralogy, Director of Geological Institute (1992-1998). Head of the Department of Petrology and Geochemistry (1993-95, 2001-2003) at the Eötvös L. University, Budapest
Lecturing in Mineralogy and special courses in Optical Mineralogy, Crystal chemistry of rock-forming minerals (PhD course), U-stage method (PhD course) 

1972-1988: Assistant Professor at the Department of Mineralogy, Eötvös L. University, Budapest.
Lecturing in Mineralogy and practical courses in optical mineralogy (transmitted and reflected light microscopy), X-ray crystallography.

1965-1972: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Mineralogy, Eötvös L. University, Budapest.
Practical courses in Mineralogy, Lecturing in elements of Mineralogy.


1996: Dr habil., Eötvös L. University, Budapest

1986: Ph.D. Earth science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

1969: Dr univ., Eötvös L. University, Budapest,

1965: M.Sc. Geology, Eötvös L. University, Budapest, Hungary,


1997-2001 Széchenyi Professorship

1988 Ministry of Education, Univ. Carleton, Ottawa, Canada

1974 Ministry of Education, Geol. Survey of Finland

Invited lecturer and Visiting Professor

1999 France, De Nice-Sophia Antipolis Univ., Nice. Short course on the granite genesis

1998 Univ. of Salzburg. Lecture on the correlation of Variscan granitoids of Central Europe

1997 Univ. of  Pusan. Short course on genesis of granitoids, high temperature contact metamorphism, ore deposits of ophiolitic series.

1997 Uni.of  Zagreb. Lecture on the correlation of Variscan granitoids of Central Europe

1995 Comenius Univ. Bratislava. Lecture on the correlation of Variscan granitoids of Central Europe

1994 Suez Canal Univ. Izmailia. Short course on genesis of granitoids, high temperature contact metamorphism, ore deposits of ophiolitic series.

1992, 1996 Univ. of Vienna. Lecture on the correlation of Variscan granitoids of Central Europe

Professional Affiliations

Hungarian Geological Society (member of committee between 1990-2000)

UN  (UNDP) expert of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology (1981-82, 1990)

Editorial board of Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica

National representative of International Mineralogical Assoc., Commission of Physics of Minerals (1980-1990)

Foreign consultant of the Inst. of Geol. (Acad. of Scien. of the Czech Rep.)

Advisory Board of GEOLINES

Correspondent member of Chronicles of Mineral Research and Exploration

National representative of CBGA, Commission of Igneous and Metamorphic rocks

National rep. of IGCP 364.


Foreign experiences


1990, Geological Survey of Pakistan. UNDP Consultant in Mineralogy (short assignment)


1987 and 1989, Cuba, adviser in mineralogy, petrology and ore microscopy (several month)


1981-1982, Geological Survey of Pakistan. UNDP Consultant in Mineralogy (medium assignment)


1975-1978, D.G. Geological Survey and Mineral Investigation of Iraq. Consultant in

Petrology and Ore prospecting.


1969 and 1973, Mongolia, adviser in ore microscopy and ore prospecting (several months)






Teaching activities


Undergraduate courses:  Mineralogy for students of geology, geophysics, chemistry-biology (till 1983), chemistry (till 1995).

Special courses: X-ray crystallography, U-stage method, Genesis of silicate minerals.

Postgraduate courses: Ore microscopy, Ore prospecting, Mineralogy and Petrology of Igneous and Metamorphic rock for geologists of Geol. Survey of Iraq, Geol. Survey of Pakistan, Geol. Survey of Cuba.

PhD courses: Crystal chemistry of rock forming minerals, Crystallography and chemistry of accessory minerals, Special optical methods

Other educational activities:


Supervisor of PhD theses:

Mohamed Ali Mattash: Study of the Cenozoic volcanic and their associated intrusive rocks in Yemen relation to rift development.

Imbarak Sayed Hassan: Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of the Precambrian granitic rocks of St. Katherine area, South Sinai, Egypt..

Valdmann I.: Ore genesis of Baia Mare (shared with Molnár F.)

Horvat M. Genesis of granitoids occurring in Papuk-Psuny Mt.






Selected publications


Buda Gy.,Koller F., Ulrych J.2004: Petrochemistry of Variscan granitoids of Central Europe: Correlation of Variscan granitoids of Tisia and Pelsonia Terranes with granitoids of Moldanubicum, Western Carpathian and Southern Alps. A review: part I. Acta Geol. Hung. 47/2-3.

Klötzli, U.S., Buda, Gy. Skiöld, T. 2004: Zircon typology, geochronology and whole rock Sr-Nd isotope systematic of the Mecsek Mountain granitoids in the Tisia Terrane (Hungary) pp.1-23. Mineralogy and Petrology. 81. 113-134

Buda Gy. and Dobosi G. 2004: Lamprophyre-derived high-K mafic enclaves in variscan granitoids from the Mecsek Mts. (South Hungary). N. Jb. Miner. Abh.v.180. 115-147

Buda Gy. Koller F., Kovács J., Ulrych J.2004: Compositional variation of biotite from Variscan granitoids in Central Europe: A statistical evaluation. Acta Min. Petr. Szeged v.44.No.1.17-33

Gy. A. Lovas, Gy. Buda, 2004: Efficiency of rietveld-based XPD quantification of mineral abundance in granitic rocks, a case Study. Acta Minaralogica-Petrographics, Szeged 4561, pp. 49-53

Buda Gy., Papp G., Weiszburg T. G. 2004: Short history of teaching mineralogy at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Acta Min. Petr. Szeged v. 45 3-18.

Kovács S., T. Szederkényi, J. Haas, Gy. Buda, G. Császár, A. Nagymarosy, 2000: Tectonostatigraphic terranes in the pre-Neogene basement of the Hungarian part of the Pannonian area. Act. Geol. Hung. v. 43/3. 225-328.

Buda Gy. Z. Puskás, K. Gál-Sólymos, U. Klötzli and B.L. Cousens, 2000: Mineralogical, petrological and geochemical characters of crystalline rocks of the Üveghuta boreholes (Mórágy hills,South Hungary) Ann. Rep. of Geol. Int. of Hungary. 231-252

Buda, Gy. Lovas, U. Klötzli and B. L. Cousens 1999: Variscan granitoids of the Mórágy Hills (South Hungary). Bein. Y. Eur. J. Mineral.v. 11. 21-34.

Ulrych J., Pivec E., Povondra P. and Buda G. 1998: Na-sanidine megacysts from the Shavarin Caram volcano, Mongolia. Acta. Min. Petrol. Szeged. XXXIX. 5-12.

Kovács G., Buda Gy., Watkinson D., Tompa L., 1997: Chromite deposits of the Saqua-Baracoa range. Eastern Cuba. Acta Geol. Hung.v. 40. 337-353.

Buda Gy. and Puskás Z. 1997: Crystalline rocks of the Üveghuta-1. Borehole. Ann. Rep. of the Geol. Inst. of Hungary 1996/II. 77-98.

Hassen I. and Buda Gy., 1996: Rare-earth elements of granitoid rocks of St. Katherine area South Sinai Egypt. Acta. Min. Petr. Szeged. XXXVII. 5-82.

Buda Gy., Nagy G., 1995: Some REE-bearing accessory minerals in two types of Variscan granitoids (Hungary) Geol. Carpath. 46,2. 67-78.

Mattash, M.A. and Buda Gy., 1994: The evolution of Yemen basalt in relation to rift development and the chemistry of their mineral constituents. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XXVIII/3. 499-514.

Buda Gy., 1993: Enclaves and fayalite-bearing pegmatitic "nests" in the upper part of the granite intrusion of Velence Mts. Geol. Carpath. 44,3.143-153.

Buda Gy., 1993: Igneous petrology of Bulfat area (NE Iraqi Zagros thrust zone). Acta Min. Petr. Szeged. XXXIV. 21-39.

Buda Gy., 1993: Metamorphic petrology of Bulfat area (NE Iraqi Zagros thrust zone). Acta Geol. Hung. vol. 36/3. 331-361.

Buda Gy., 1987: Chromite occurrences in Iraqi Zagros. Acta Min. Petr. Szeged, XXIX. 69-79.B

Balogh K., Árva-Soós E., Buda Gy., 1983: Chronology of granitoid and metamorphic rocks of Transdanubia (Hungary). Annuaire de L'institut de Geologie et de Geophysique v. LXI. 359-364. Bucharest.

Jassim S.Z., Buda Gy., Neuzilova M., Suk M., 1982: Metamorphic development of the Iraqi Zagros ophiolite zone. Krystalinikum. v.16. 21-40.

Buda Gy., 1981: Genesis of the Hungarian granitoid rocks. Acta Geol. Acad. Scien. Hung. v. 24..309-318.

Buda Gy., Kiss J., 1980: Comparison some chromite and titaniferous magnetite, ilmenite ore-bearing ultrabasic-basic complexes. UNESCO. International Symposium on Metallogeny of Mafic and Ultramafic Complexes. v. 1.21-45. Athens.

Buda Gy., Al-Hashimi, W.S., 1977: Alpine-type chromite from Mawat, Northeast Iraq. Jour. Geol. Soc. Iraq. Baghdad. 61-77.

Buda Gy., Al-Hashimi W.S., 1977: Petrology of Mawat ophiolitic complex, Northeast Iraq. Jour. Geol. Soc. Iraq. v. X. 69-90.

Buda Gy., 1977. Petrology of ophiolitic complexes of Iraqy-Zarros.

Sztrókay, K.I., Wiik, H.B., Buda Gy., 1977: Amphoterite chondrite aus Ungarn. Chem. Erd. v. 36. 287-298.

Buda Gy., 1975: Classification the Hungarian granitoid rocks on the basis of feldspar investigation. CBGA. Proc. Xth Congress. Sec. III. 67-74.

Buda Gy., 1974: Investigation of the alkali feldspar polymorphs of the Hungarian granitoid rocks. Acta Geol. Acad. Scien. Hung. v.18. 465-480.

Buda Gy., 1969: Genesis of the granitoid rocks of the Mecsek and Velence Mts. on the basis of the investigation of the feldspars. Acta Geol. Acad. Scien. Hung. v. 13. 131-155.

Buda Gy., 1965: Statische Verteilung und Qualitative Kennzeichung der Feldspate in Andezit-Lakkolit des Csódi-berges. Annales Univ. Scient. Bp. Tom. IX.. 123-131.

University lecture books

Buda Gy., Földváriné Vogl M., Ibrányiné Árkosi K., Kiss J., Kubovics I., Nemecz E., Stegena L., 1968: Modern methods in Mineralogy and Petrology. 520. Lecture book for postgraduate students.

Buda Gy. 1968: Tables of Crystallography. Lecture book for undergraduate students.

Buda Gy. 1970: Universal stage method. ÍX. Chapter in Sztrókay I., Grasselly Gy. Nemecz E., Kiss J.: Mineralogical practicum.

Kis J.( Bognár L., Buda Gy.,Dódony I.) 1977: Mineralogy. Lecture book.

Buda Gy. 1981: Ore microscopy. UNDP lecture note.


Last updated: 30 October, 2004





Hobbies: travel, collecting old traveling books